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A Voice Crying in the Desert 

© 2010 Tanya Owens

Complex, complicated, simple…
The desert, barren, desolate, lifeless…
Hope optimistically screams…
Rationality targets focus to the good, the wholesome, the enriched…
Heart beating, pounding, yearning…
A Voice Crying in the Desert

Isaiah 40:3 & John 1:23

I wrote this poem back in 2010. It is inspired by two passages of scripture one from the old testament written by the prophet Isaiah and one from the new testament written by the apostle John about the prophet John. Isaiah was prophesying comfort and deliverance for Israel who was at that time being oppressed by another nation. Fast forward to the prophet John, stating that he is the fulfillment of that scripture as he is that voice calling in the wilderness. The one who prepares the way for the Lord.

There is another passage of scripture Jeremiah 20:9 "But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."

And like the prophet Jeremiah I am weary of holding it in. So, at times I will expound on current events in hopes to light a fire under people to demand positive change from their political leaders. To be the change they want in society.

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